In the heydays of SACCOL the then Savings and Credit Cooperatives League of South Africa, the SACCO Managers Forum used to be a bilateral affair between ESASCCO (Eswatini Association of savings and Credit Cooperatives) and SACCOL as an annual convention, including a study tour and cultural exchange for the equipping of SACCO Managers in the two countries. The last of such events is said to have happened as far back as in the year 2008 after which the annual events died a natural death after the demise of the then SACCOL.
Eight years later, that is, in the year 2016 SACCO Managers in Eswatini, passionate to see the success of the movement in their country replicated in other Southern African countries, and at the same time desiring to learn from the experiences of other SACCOs within the region were moved to resuscitate the forum albeit as a regional and multi-lateral affair of all SADC countries this time around hence out-growing the previous bilateral affair that was between South Africa and Eswatini only. It was natural for SACCO Managers in Eswatini to provide this leadership for the region since their SACCO movement is more developed and the most successful compared to its regional compatriots.
Since its revival in 2016 the SADC SACCO Managers forum has convened three successful conferences in three countries as follows:
1st SADC SACCO Managers Forum 2016
ESASCCO, Manzini, Swaziland, 31 August- 5 September 2016
Theme: “Empowering the SADC SACCO managers for sustainability of SACCOs in the changing environment”
2nd SADC SACCO Managers Forum 2017
BOSCCA, Gaborone, Botswana, 11- 15 September 2017
Theme: “SADC SACCO integration for better business”
3rd SADC SACCO Managers Forum 2018
NACFISA, Durban, South Africa, October 2018
Theme: “SADC economic inclusion and integration through financial co-operatives”
4th SADC SACCO Managers 2019
NACSCUZ, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Date: To be Advised
Theme: To be Advised